Sunday, June 8, 2008


Video Hints and Tips Videos on Blog
Accessed June 7th 2008

The Working Week In Review

So first week has been nearly completed, a very busy time at work.

This week I met some really interesting people who are attending my course via the Internet.

Many use skype and various others means of communication to talk to each other, whilst others are occasional users who drop by the Discussion Forums occasionally.

One users name Zeak Smith, is a great bloke who gave me encouraging words at the start of my creation, I persued on all this being new to me and opened my eyes to new tools as well as old tools have not used for some time.

Zeak currently lives in Port Villa, Vanuatu he is currently the only long distance student I know about who is doing Internet Course via Curtin University.

Other students for whom I have discussed the course with have been Fiona, Owen over Skype.

If you require any help I am here to give you any assistance in pointing you in the right direction, I don't mind one bit.

As for the course itself, I am enjoying learning the variety of new tools that are available to carry out the work with.

Talk to you again soon, just time is the most horrible element in my life, I have not much of it to move with some days.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Top Five Tips For New Bloggers

'Top five tips for new bloggers’

Well this is my first week doing my new course and I must say I am new to blogging and have had no clue on how to succesfully achieve a good blog.

What has come to mind is the following five tips:-

A) Make your blog easy to read :- I have found alot of my current classmates blogs easy to read, there is a very big gap between a mess and something that does not contain any elements of clarity towards answering any of the given questions. Developing a sense of style in this is a really important element of making your blog easy to read.

B) Ensure that you proof read your work :- Proof reading your work allows you to develop correct grammar as well as eliminate gremmer, choosing what kinda depth of language you wish to use and develop your work.

C) Kiss approach, keep it simple, but understandable :- Starting work at 12am really destroys the brain pattern on logical thinking you need certain stuff called coffee to keep you awake.
Ensure that you have a effective study pattern that allows you to maintain your approach towards your work. If you have great grammar the KISS approach is the best method to control your work design.

D) Remember that your Blog is open to the World:- Ensure that you look at your settings and ensure that you don't get people replying to the blog that are non-essential type of spammers.

E) Confidence :- Have confidence in your work and what you are doing, always ask on forums for help there are alot of people around who have similar views or different knowledge that they could assist you in a better manner.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Module One Tasks Continued

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

Module One Ftp Answer from Christopher McGilvery on Vimeo.

For a clearly defined (HD)(High Definition) answer please click on Module One Ftp Answer you will then be re-directed to the vimeo website, the click on expand picture button, which is the last button located on the right side of the video browser.

With being a novice I am still learning the ropes and developing my skills as I learn these modules, the answer listed on the blog is lower definition but clearly states the same process as below.

I used WS_FTP version 6, I then logged into ftp to and used as suggested the anonymous login.

I downloaded the readme file and obtained the missing word in the following phrase "according to the readme file, '_______ MATTERS' - what word goes in the blank?".

"Capitilization Matters"

Ftp application is easy to use, this application transfers files around the Internet from one site to the next and their are many various types of this application for example flashfxp,wsftp and microsoft ftp.

Internet Tools :-


Traceroute is a excellent application that can establish if your Internet session is having some issues within your route, some routers along the way to you, maybe not functioning correctly, this application can show you how bad the situation is.

We were asked then to use two sites, I picked out http://network- and then did a traceroute back to

How many hops are there?

Their were 18 hops with the last hop being curtin's server, the ping fluctuated from 260ms to 282ms once leaving the United States, as greater the distance the more the ping develops over distance.

The last IP is that of the address

I was then asked to ping

The result was less, due to the lesser the distance travelled and less amount of hops involved with that travel.

I then completed the Vista Application Tracert to

The sort of differences that you can observe are that since the distance is lesser the ping will be much more precise. As over distance ping increases from the original host as it has variety of routers to go threw in order to reach it's target machine.

The difference between the early traceroute and this is that the machine was located in the United States therefore the ping will be greater over distance.

My machine is located in Brisbane Queensland Australia therefore the ping to the machine would be a lot less as the distance involved is a lot less to that of the United States.

There are lesser hops involved and more direct route would be used to the curtain campus than what is from the United States to the site.

Most important element of traceroute is that ping increases over the greater the distance from you to the machine you are tracing to.

My Learning Guide to Net11 Module 1

Task A

For the first task we had to use the alternative way to obtain records via using Telnet via logging into Deakin University library and doing a search on the library computer.

Searching on my computer too see if I had telnet enabled was my first goal, as I am using Windows Vista Premium Version.

I followed the instructions on the website that stated Vista users may want to read this for more information

Following these directions I then proceeded to enable the Telnet Function via using the recommended way off the microsoft website.

I clicked the Start button , clicked Control Panel, clicked Programs, and then clicked Turn Windows features on. I was not asked for administrator password as I have my system set up differently than most others.

Then clicked OK. The installation was rather quick.

I then clicked on Start ------> Accessories ------> Command Prompt--- Telnet

Logged into the system and this was the first screen I received.

Then asked to choose what kind of terminal I was on, being a previous user of Telnet application I picked VT100, I was then asked to confirm my choice.

After this screen disappeared the referencing screen showed up and I begain to select Search by Author which was selection A.

Then proceeded to the next screen that showed Search by Authors name I typed in Bennahum.

I then received the following results of the search.

I then proceeded to choose the P option for Print these titles, it then gave you 3 options I choosed option 2) Email Printer and entered in my email address.

And the following results of the search were received, Taks A Completed.

Task B :- Involved logging remotely into a telnet site and the outcome was totally unexpected and amazing, I logged into for a bit of fun!

I was totally amazed that someone had spent so much time and also effort at putting such a great show forward in such a manner via a older method of online application, the person who wrote this really deserves a prize, without going into great detail, after logging in you were treated to some messages about the creation of the picture then it moved onto Star Wars via Ascii pictures, a very old way that is so similar to local bulletin board services used to be run when you would log into them.

In Summary :-

Telnet is a prime example of a excellent data application that would allow you to perform remote tasks on a distant machine or web server via giving you access via a username or password.

Telnet also has a creativity level that is not often seen on the Internet of today by allowing people to create such epic show as "Star Wars" via ascii creations.

We have come past ascii creations and moved on into the realm of digital creations on the Web, kinda reminds me of what is happening with our televisions going from a early stage of (BW) Black and White and now into (HD) High Definition.

But the fact remains that some older applications may become redundant to some users, but not all users of the Internet.

Task Completed.